Therapists Guide to Substance Abuse Intervention (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) 电子书下载
书名:Therapists Guide to Substance Abuse Intervention (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional)
Author of AP`s bestselling "Therapist`s Guide to Clinical Intervention" now turns her attention to substance abuse intervention. The book will follow a similar format to her previous book, presenting information in easy to read outline form, with relevant forms, patient questionnaires, checklists, business documents, etc. Part I discusses the social impact of substance abuse and provides a general overview of the physiological and psychological characteristics of abuse, DSM IV definition of abuse, and classifications of the varying types of drugs. Part II is the main section of the book and covers assessment, different stages of abuse/recovery, and treatment choices. Coverage includes the discussion of myriad self help choices (e.g. AA), group therapy, brief therapy, and more. Discussion will also include making a determination of treatment as inpatient or outpatient, and issues relevant to special populations (teenagers, geriatrics, comorbidity patients, etc.). Part III presents skill building resources. Part IV covers prevention, quality assurance, and also includes a glossary. * Outlines treatment goals and objectives * Outlines for assessing special circumstances * Offers skill building resources to supplement treatment
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