Walden: 150th Anniversary Edition 电子书下载
Originally published in 1854, Walden, or Life in the Woods, is a vivid account of the time that Henry D. Thoreau lived alone in a secluded cabin at Walden Pond. It is one of the most influential and compelling books in American literature. This new paperback edition--introduced by noted American writer John Updike--celebrates the 150th anniversary of this classic work. Much of Walden`s material is derived from Thoreau`s journals and contains such engaging pieces as "Reading" and "The Pond in the Winter." Other famous sections involve Thoreau`s visits with a Canadian woodcutter and with an Irish family, a trip to Concord, and a description of his bean field. This is the complete and authoritative text of Walden--as close to Thoreau`s original intention as all available evidence allows. For the student and for the general reader, this is the ideal presentation of Thoreau`s great document of social criticism and dissent.
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