Monsters, Book One: The Good, the Bad, the Cursed 电子书下载
Angela Clemens, "Angel," has no love for vampires. Talented and stunning, she`s second-in-command of her warden clan, and wardens are employed by the sovereigns to police the supernatural realms. So she`s met her fair share of vampires and can certainly deal with them on a professional basis. But fifteen years ago a vampire took something precious from her, turning her life upside down. Vampires are the reason she`s a warden in the first place. To say the least, she doesn`t trust them. And she definitely wouldn`t consider dating one. Especially given the blood in her veins is the blood of a healer, the rarest in the world. But Jacob Crow of the Monsters MC warden clan sets his green eyes on Angel during an important meeting with the sovereigns. The Native American vampire is called to the meeting along with four other wardens for a priority job. And in that very moment, Angel unwittingly consumes his mind, his heart, and his very sanity. She`s under his skin; he wants her like he`s never wanted anything in his long life. But Jake learns about her past and what his kind did to her. To make matters worse, he learns she`s a healer. Powerful and dangerous men are tirelessly hunting her, and she`s forced to fight those who would otherwise ensnare her. And he knows she`ll fight him too. But Jake is a former soldier who has lived through the devil`s nightmares. He`s never been one to back down from a challenge. He doesn`t mind a good fight. One way or another he`ll break through the healer`s walls - and make Angel give herself to him, body and soul. "Monsters" is a brand new PNR series by NYT and USA Today bestselling author, Heather Killough-Walden. Monsters takes place in the same universe as The Kings, The Big Bad Wolf, and The Lost Angels series.
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