跨文化交际-Communication between Cultures 电子书下载
内容简介 · · · · · ·From ideas and concepts to eccective practice... your intercultural communication skills will grow Effective intercultural communication begins with motivation, knowledge, and a true appreciation of cultural diversity. This pioneering best-seller supplies you with all three. Authors Larry A. Samovar. Richard E.Porter-and new co-author Lisa A.Stefani-translate communication ideas and concepts into effective practices that guice you in improving your intercultural communication skills and reaching your communication godls. Going beyond traditional coverage. Communication Between Cultures focuses on the deep structure of culture with special emphasis on religion, family, and history, You`ll explore how differences in perception, world views, values, and verbal and nonwerbal messages all affect communication. And you`ll have the benefit of the book`s many current examples and concrete etrategies for improving you skills. In this third edition, significant changes and added features include: A new chapter devotedto the role of culture in health care Even more material on how religion, family, and history affect communication Expanded analysis of stereotyping,prejudice, discrimination, and ethics that addresses the increase in racial tension tension in the United States today A greater focus on the role of co-cultures in North America New discussion of the many ways that cultures are alike A new section on cultural adaptation that addresses the increased migration occurring in recent years
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