Les 120 journées de Sodome 电子书下载
Review“...this astonishing new version renders the previous translation null-and-void...” -- Professor Stephen Barber, CalArts“The book that dominates all books.” -- Georges BatailleProduct DescriptionThe 120 Days of Sodom is Sade`s masterpiece. A still unsurpassed catalogue of sexual abberrations and the first systematic exploration of the psychopathology of sex, it was written during Sade`s imprisonment and then lost after the storming of the Bastille in 1789. Later rediscovered , the manuscript remained unpublished until 1936 and is now introduced by Simone de Beauvoir`s landmark essay, `Must We Burn Sade?` Unique in its enduring capacity to shock and provoke, The 120 days of Sodom must stand as one of the most controversial books ever written
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