Grave in the Garage 电子书下载
A corpse in a garage. A puppy in need of a home. Can man’s best friend help solve a dastardly crime?When her beloved Mini Cooper breaks down in the countryside, Reverend Annabelle Dixon is forced to make a stop at Mildred’s Garage. But instead of a quick tune-up, she stumbles upon a gruesome surprise… a lifeless hand, peeking out from beneath a parked car.As luck would have it, Annabelle’s crush, Inspector Mike Nicholls, happens to be visiting her parish on personal business. But those matters are soon pushed aside, as the stalwart detective finds himself entangled in yet another mystery with the kindhearted and tenacious vicar. When Annabelle convinces the uptight inspector to adopt a stray puppy she found on her doorstep, the pair decide to join forces to solve the crime.But with one mysterious corpse, two missing mechanics, and a diabolical killer on the loose, they may be biting off more than they can chew. Luckily, Annabelle and Mike have an ace up their sleeve… an adorable little puppy, with a talent for sniffing out clues. Can Annabelle find the killer before the killer finds her? And can her cute canine friend put the inspector in a better mood?Grave in the Garage is the fourth in a furiously fast-paced, funny new series featuring a young female vicar whose passion and dedication to her parish are matched only by her weakness for cake.
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