The Optimists Handbook: A Companion to Hope - The Pessimists Handbook: A Companion to Despair 电子书下载
"The mere sense of living is joy enough."Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886, American poetHumanity`s story is one long testimony to the truth that life is as rewarding and beautiful as you make it. As pioneers, inventors, and dreamers have always known, you can do anything if only you persevere. Ever since we hauled ourselves out of the swamp, our history has been one of extraordinary cultural and technological progress, of mind-boggling discoveries and remarkable achievements, often against the odds. It`s no coincidence that you see no statues of pessimists in city squares.Still, cynical and doubting voices are heard all too loudly and frequently in public discourse. A potent antidote to their gloom and doom, "The Optimist`s Handbook" is a joyful explosion of wit and wisdom from our past and present that celebrates the art of greeting life with the excitement it deserves. This handbook will inspire, enchant, and entertain you as you go forward into all your wonderful tomorrows. Even if, after reading it, you are not moved to feats of glory for the greater good, the fact is that optimists are healthier, happier, and richer than their gloomy counterparts. Hear that, killjoys?"The world is a grindstone and life is your nose."Fred Allen, 1894-1956, American humoristWhy beat around the bush? The truth is that life is a never-ending cycle of toil and pain with nothing but death to reward all our suffering. Furthermore, what solace is there in blind optimism or fanciful daydreaming when it is perfectly clear that the world is heading toward a complete meltdown whether we live in it or not? Resigning yourself to life`s grim treadmill, and thereby avoiding more disappointments, is the best way to trudge forward."The Pessimist`s Handbook" is an indispensable companion on your journey through this vale of tears. A clear-sighted, realistic look at life`s obstacles, this guidebook is stocked with the pearls of wisdom you need to counter the irritating voices of those who trumpet futile positivity and inane confidence in a brighter future. Feel reassured that scores of people share your sense of impending doom...and have done so for centuries. After all, misery loves company, but not when it`s a horde of perky utopians.
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