Fix It & Flip It Workbook 电子书下载
A Fail-Safe System for Making the Right Decisions About Your Investment A real-estate classic, Fix It and Flip It is a favorite of those who purchase, improve, and sell properties for a profit. This companion workbook has all the worksheets, checklists, and spreadsheets to help you implement the strategies in the book. A bonus accompanying CD-ROM also includes all these documents, allowing you to print clean copies as often as you want. Designed for use with Fix It and Flip It or as a standalone investment tool, this hands-on system will ensure you get the most from your hard-earned investment. Inside you`ll find Worksheets, checklists, and spreadsheets to help you organize the entire process-from initial walkthrough to final sale CD-ROM with 84 different documents in simple Excel, Word, and Adobe file format Coverage of all types of properties, including condos, duplexes, and townhouses Summaries of the successful investment strategies spelled out in Fix It and Flip It Practical renovation tips for the DIY investor Printable documents help you: Finance your investment Judge a property`s value Expedite the buying and selling processes Estimate costs of improvement Manage the job
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