RabbitMQ Layout: Basic Structure and Topology for Applications 电子书下载
In the world of physical mail, there is a struggle to address letters and envelopes individually. In the world of email, it gets easier because you can send one letter to multiple address. But what do you do in the software world, when you need one application to communicate with multiple external processes, systems and other applications?The "easy" way is like stuffing envelopes with copies of the same message. Only in this case, you have to re-write the message with a slightly different format and sent it to different API endpoints. The "right" way is to take advantage of systems like RabbitMQ that provide simple messaging infratructure for distributed applications.But while there is a lot of flexibility with RabbitMQ messaging and topologies, there isn`t a lot of information about how to organize things. There is very little out there that will show you how to create an exchange, routing and queue layout that makes sense for your application.About This BookIn this book, you`ll learn about the basics of RabbitMQ`s Exchanges, Queues and the bindings between them. You`ll learn about the 3 primary types of exchanges, and one exchange type that we won`t bother with. These include:Direct ExchangesFanout ExchangesTopic Exchangesand worth mentioning, but not something that will be covered: Header Exchanges.
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