Evolutionary Dynamics of Mammalian Karyotypes: Reprint of:Cytogenetic and Genome Research 2012, Vol. 137, No. 2-4' 电子书下载
This publication both reviews and synthesizes the cytogenetic data pertinent to mammalian genome evolution including the most rec ...
08-22 [ None ]
The Artist's Guide to GIMP Creative Techniques for Photographers, Artists, and Designers 电子书下载
As a full-featured, free alternative to Adobe Photoshop, GIMP is one of the worlds most popular open source projects. The latest ...
08-22 [ None ]
The Good Housekeeping Cookbook: 1,039 Recipes from Americas Favorite Test Kitchen 电子书下载
We had an old good housekeeping cookbook and wanted a closely type f or the new one. It was not close which is because your onlin ...
09-26 [ None ]