The Good Housekeeping Cookbook: 1,039 Recipes from Americas Favorite Test Kitchen

The Good Housekeeping Cookbook: 1,039 Recipes from Americas Favorite Test Kitchen 电子书下载

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书名:The Good Housekeeping Cookbook: 1,039 Recipes from Americas Favorite Test Kitchen

The Good Housekeeping Cookbook: 1,039 Recipes from Americas Favorite Test Kitchen.jpg

We had an old good housekeeping cookbook and wanted a closely type f or the new one. It was not close which is because your online material that listed the books was so confusing. You were trying to sell so may things that we didn`t have time to study the presentations.When it got here, it wasn`t close to what we thought we were getting. We sent it back. My confusion is my own fault.

然而,随着用户上传的资料增多,我们发现部分不宜或版权问题的书籍被分享到了本站。 为此,我们已经关闭了分享入口,并进行了多次书籍审查,但仍有部分内容未能彻底审查到位。
在此,我们恳请广大读者与我们共同监督,如发现任何不宜内容,请 点击此处 进行举报,我们会第一时间处理并下架相关内容。


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