Zabbix 1.8 Network Monitoring: Monitor your networks hardware, servers, and web performance effectively and efficiently 电子书下载
Zabbix is a very flexible IT monitoring suite, but not every part of it is immediately clear to new users. Following the instruct ...
06-24 [ None ]
《交易的真相:从1000到1.83亿》极地之鹰文字版 电子书下载
极地之鹰,年近不惑的野生交易员一枚。肢体较懒惰,头脑很勤奋,不是在思考,就是在为了能思考下去而积攒能量。迈入交易9年,目睹种种之怪理论,误人子弟,耽人青春,却颇受追捧,略有不忿。故出此一书,思人所不能思,写人所不敢写,若能助君打破思维桎梏,跳脱无涯苦海,则善莫大焉。该书是一本极具启发性、实用性和可读 ...
12-23 [ education ]
Zabbix 1.8 network monitoring 电子书下载
Imagine you`re celebrating the start of the weekend with Friday-night drinks with a few friends. And then suddenly your phone rin ...
06-24 [ None ]