Zabbix 1.8 Network Monitoring: Monitor your networks hardware, servers, and web performance effectively and efficiently 电子书下载
书名:Zabbix 1.8 Network Monitoring: Monitor your networks hardware, servers, and web performance effectively and efficiently
Zabbix is a very flexible IT monitoring suite, but not every part of it is immediately clear to new users. Following the instructions in this book should allow you to set up monitoring of various metrics on various devices, including Linux and Windows machines, SNMP devices, IPMI enabled server,s and other network attached equipment. You will learn to define conditions - such a temperature being too high or service being down - and act upon them by notifying user by email, SMS, or even restarting service. You will learn to visualize the gathered data with graphs and the various tips and tricks that are provided will help to use Zabbix more efficiently and avoid common pitfalls.
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