3ds Max 4 Bible 电子书下载
More than 100 step-by-step tutorials give you valuable hands-on experience under the expert guidance of 3D master, Kelly Murdock. ...
04-07 [ None ]
3ds Max at a Glance - George Maestri 电子书下载
3ds Max at a Glance - George MaestriGeorge Maestri ...
02-05 [ computer ]
3ds max 2010. Animacja 3D od podstaw. Szkoła efektu 电子书下载
Trójwymiarowy model świata Całościowy opis wykonania filmu animowanego techniką 3D Ćwiczenia ilustrowane zrzutami ekranu, pomag ...
04-07 [ None ]
3ds max 6 Bible 电子书下载
* Shows beginning users how to create an exciting animation their very first day with 3ds max, the world`s most popular animation ...
04-07 [ None ]
3ds Max 2009 Bible - Kelly L. Murdock 电子书下载
3ds Max 2009 Bible - Kelly L. MurdockKelly L. Murdock ...
02-05 [ computer ]
3ds Max 8 电子书下载
Если вы хотите в совершенстве овладеть 3ds max 8, то эта книга для вас!В ней подробно описаны инструменты трехмерного моделирован ...
04-07 [ None ]
mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI: A 3D Artists Guide to Rendering 电子书下载
A lot of people have said great things about this book, and for the most part, I agree. After checking out a few other books, thi ...
04-07 [ None ]
Beginning Game Art in 3ds Max 8 电子书下载
Are you an artist ready to try your hand at 3ds Max 8? Beginning Game Art in 3ds Max 8 gives you the skills you need to hit the g ...
04-07 [ None ]
Introducing 3ds Max 9: 3D for Beginners 电子书下载
when you sit down to work through and learn all the things there is to know about 3ds Max, this Book is the best book that you co ...
04-07 [ None ]
3ds Max 6 для Windows 电子书下载
Эта книга поможет вам без труда освоить программу 3ds max, которая является одной из самых мощных настольных программ трехмерной ...
04-07 [ None ]
3D Photorealistic Rendering. Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max 电子书下载
Increase the photorealism of your 3d visualizations with enhanced toolsets of V-ray in 3ds Max. Full-color, step-by-step tutorial ...
04-07 [ None ]
3D for the Web: Interactive 3D animation using 3ds max, Flash and Director 电子书下载
Make sure you benefit from the explosion of new and exciting applications designed to let you create 3D animation for the web. Se ...
04-07 [ None ]