Knowledge-Based Driver Assistance Systems: Traffic Situation Description and Situation Feature Relevance 电子书下载
The comprehension of a traffic situation plays a major role in driving a vehicle. Interpretable information forms a basis for fut ...
08-22 [ None ]
Le grand livre de la fertilité : Si la grossesse se fait attendre - Le guide pratique de lAssistance Médicale à la Procréation 电子书下载
Quand l`enfant se fait attendre De plus en plus de couples éprouvent des difficultés à avoir un enfant. Lorsque la grossesse se f ...
02-16 [ None ]
Server-side GPS and Assisted-GPS in Java (Artech House Gnss Technologies and Applications) 电子书下载
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) is a technology that greatly enhances GPS performance and capabilities. This innovative book offers a detail ...
07-11 [ None ]
Technologies of Procreation: Kinship in the Age of Assisted Conception - 2nd edition 电子书下载
Technologies of Procreation bridges the gap between medical technology and cultural values. It looks at the ways in which the `te ...
02-16 [ None ]
A-GPS: Assisted GPS, GNSS, and SBAS 电子书下载
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) has been developed to provide greatly improved capabilities, helping GPS work better and faster in almost an ...
07-11 [ None ]