Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2014 Focus Notes: Auditing and Attestation 电子书下载
All the information you need to pass the CPA exam on your ownUpdated annually with the latest AICPA content guidelines, Wiley CPA ...
05-21 [ None ]
Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes: Auditing and Attestation 电子书下载
All the information you need to pass the CPA exam on your own Updated annually with the latest AICPA content guidelines, Wiley CP ...
05-21 [ None ]
Internal Audit Handbook: Management with the SAP®-Audit Roadmap 电子书下载
The "Internal Audit Handbook" is a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation of the tasks and challenges facing internal audit. The ...
08-29 [ None ]
Wiley Cpaexcel Exam Review 2018 Study Guide: Auditing And Attestation (wiley Cpa Exam Review Auditing & Attestation) 电子书下载
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guide: Auditing and Attestation provides detailed study text to help you identify, focus on, and master ...
05-21 [ None ]