Internal Audit Handbook: Management with the SAP®-Audit Roadmap 电子书下载
The "Internal Audit Handbook" is a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation of the tasks and challenges facing internal audit. The handbook is based on the audit work of SAP®`s global internal audit department, which obtained the highest score available, "Generally Conforms," during a quality assessment review performed by the Institute of Internal Auditors. It presents the Audit Roadmap, the process model of internal auditing developed at SAP®, describing all stages of an audit. The in-depth description provides information on issues such as the identification of audit fields, the annual audit planning, the organization and execution of audits as well as reporting and follow-up. The handbook also discusses management-related subjects, e.g. the organizational structure of an internal audit department. Separate chapters are dedicated to special topics like IT or SOX audits. Since the handbook is based on practical experience and gives numerous examples from audit practice it may serve as a guide to internal auditing for persons new in the field as well as provide experienced internal audit professionals with new insights.
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