sed与awk(第二版) - Dale Dougberty and Arnold Robbins 著 张旭东 杨作梅 田丽华 等译 电子书下载
sed与awk(第二版) - Dale Dougberty and Arnold Robbins 著 张旭东 杨作梅 田丽华 等译Dale Dougberty and Arnold Robbins 著 张旭东 杨作梅 田丽华 等译 ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Zabbix监控系统深度实践 第2版 电子书下载
本书由浅入深,全面讲解Zabbix应用与原理,是作者多年实战经验的总结和浓缩.在概念篇,从一个简单但完整的入门案例讲起,案例中有最基本的概念介绍,通过案例帮助那些只需将服务器加入监控,就能看到监控数据的读者;然后逐步深入,在进阶篇介绍Zabbix的各方面的配 ...
06-24 [ None ]
Zabbix 1.8 Network Monitoring: Monitor your networks hardware, servers, and web performance effectively and efficiently 电子书下载
Zabbix is a very flexible IT monitoring suite, but not every part of it is immediately clear to new users. Following the instruct ...
06-24 [ None ]
Learning RabbitMQ: Build and optimize efficient messaging applications with ease 电子书下载
RabbitMQ is Open Source Message Queuing software based on the Advanced Message Queue Protocol Standard written in the Erlang Lang ...
10-28 [ None ]
RabbitMQ Layout: Basic Structure and Topology for Applications 电子书下载
In the world of physical mail, there is a struggle to address letters and envelopes individually. In the world of email, it gets ...
10-28 [ None ]
Body, Mind and Soul: Kabbalah on Human Physiology, Disease and Healing 电子书下载
The body-mind connection is a well-documented fact in today`s medical paradigm. Yet, long before recent scientific research uncov ...
10-08 [ None ]
Learning the vi and Vim Editors 7th Edition - Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah, and Linda Lamb 电子书下载
Learning the vi and Vim Editors 7th Edition - Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah, and Linda LambArnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah, and Linda Lamb ...
02-05 [ computer ]
RabbitMQ Essentials - David Dossot 电子书下载
RabbitMQ Essentials - David DossotDavid Dossot ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Active Directory - Brian Desmond, Joe Richards, Robbie Allen, and Alistair G. Lowe-Norris 电子书下载
Active Directory - Brian Desmond, Joe Richards, Robbie Allen, and Alistair G. Lowe-NorrisBrian Desmond, Joe Richards, Robbie Allen, and Alistair G. Lo ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Large-Scale Data Analytics - Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis and Abderrahim Labbi 电子书下载
Large-Scale Data Analytics - Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis and Abderrahim LabbiAris Gkoulalas-Divanis and Abderrahim Labbi ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Effective UI - Jonathan Anderson, John McRee, Robb Wilson, and the EffectiveUI Team 电子书下载
Effective UI - Jonathan Anderson, John McRee, Robb Wilson, and the EffectiveUI TeamJonathan Anderson, John McRee, Robb Wilson, and the EffectiveUI Tea ...
02-05 [ computer ]