Computer Networks, Third Edition: A Systems Approach, 3rd Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) 电子书下载
A comprehensive textbook for undergraduate/graduate students. The book is complete with basic coverage to different types of net ...
09-06 [ None ]
The Handbook of Computer Networks, Key Concepts, Data Transmission, and Digital and Optical Networks (Volume 1) 电子书下载
A complete and in-depth introduction to computer networks and networking In this first volume of The Handbook of Computer Network ...
09-06 [ None ]
Computer Network Security: Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2007 St. Petersburg, Russia, September 13–15, 2007 Proceedings 电子书下载
This volume contains papers presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for ...
09-06 [ None ]
Fundamentals of Computer Networks 电子书下载
This textbook presents computer networks to electrical and computer engineering students in a manner that is clearer, more intere ...
09-06 [ None ]
Computer Networks. Subject Expert, SIES Graduate School of Technology 电子书下载
Introduction to computer network, network application, network software and hardware components (Interconnection networking devic ...
09-06 [ None ]
3-D Computer graphics. Mathematical introduction with OpenGL 电子书下载
This digital document is an article from School Science and Mathematics, published by School Science and Mathematics Association, ...
06-04 [ None ]
Digital Computer Arithmetic Datapath Design Using Verilog HDL 电子书下载
This text presents basic implementation strategies for arithmetic datapath designs and methodologies utilized in the digital syst ...
05-18 [ None ]
Picture yourself networking your home or small office: step-by-step instruction for designing, installing, and managing a wired or wireless computer network 电子书下载
I returned this product. It claims to be for the home or small office. Perhaps the latter, but it is absurdly over-complicated fo ...
09-06 [ None ]
Analytical Network and System Administration: Managing Human-Computer Networks 电子书下载
Network and system administration usually refers to the skill of keeping computers and networks running properly. But in truth, ...
09-06 [ None ]
The definitive guide to how computers do math: featuring the virtual DIY calculator 电子书下载
The Basics of Computer Arithmetic Made Enjoyable and Accessible-with a Special Program Included for Hands-on Learning< Packed wit ...
05-03 [ None ]
OpenCV with Python By Example: Build real-world computer vision applications and develop cool demos using OpenCV for Python 电子书下载
Computer vision is found everywhere in modern technology. OpenCV for Python enables us to run computer vision algorithms in real ...
07-05 [ None ]
Networking Routing Flow and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks 电子书下载
In network design, the gap between theory and practice is woefully broad. This book narrows it, comprehensively and critically ex ...
09-06 [ None ]