The Gnostics: The First Christian Heretics (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Gnosticism is the name given to various religious schools that proliferated in the first centuries after Christ, nearly becoming ...
07-01 [ None ]
LaTeX maths and graphics 电子书下载
This handout assumes that you have already read the Advanced LaTeX document handout, so if you`re unsure about `environments`, re ...
05-24 [ None ]
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Financial Management: Delve deep into the world of financial management with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 电子书下载
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application used in all kinds of organizations around the world. ...
07-25 [ None ]
The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics - John M. Blain 电子书下载
The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics - John M. BlainJohn M. Blain ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Arduino Electronics Blueprints: Make common electronic devices interact with an Arduino board to build amazing out-of-the-box projects 电子书下载
Arduino is an open source electronics prototyping platform for building a multitude of smart devices and gadgets. Developers can ...
07-05 [ None ]
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D - Frank Klawonn 电子书下载
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D - Frank KlawonnFrank Klawonn ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Foundations for Analytics with Python - Clinton W. Brownley 电子书下载
Foundations for Analytics with Python - Clinton W. BrownleyClinton W. Brownley ...
02-05 [ computer ]
ACCS古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書:哥林多前後書 电子书下载
《古代基督信仰聖經註釋叢書》全套二十八冊,採用普世教會所使用之標準修訂版聖經(中譯本則採用《新標點和合本》及《思高聖經》譯本並列),是一套涵括全本聖經的註釋叢書。每卷書按聖經順序編排,註釋內容呈現當時教會活潑的言論,一如聖經中所充滿的聖言,為當代讀者提供自行 ...
08-18 [ None ]
Writers in Politics: Essays 电子书下载
Ngugi has put together a new collection under an old title, rewriting most of the pieces that appeared in the original 1981 editi ...
06-04 [ None ]
Effective Robotics Programming with ROS 3rd Edition - Anil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enrique Fernández and Aaron Martinez 电子书下载
Effective Robotics Programming with ROS 3rd Edition - Anil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enrique Fernández and Aaron MartinezAnil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enri ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Journalism Ethics by Court Decree: The Supreme Court on the Proper Practice of Journalism (Law and Society) 电子书下载
Watson concludes that journalism practice is guided and defined by law and ethics. Journalists are most likely to follow an ethic ...
03-23 [ None ]