《哈佛经典谈判课》【英】德雷克•阿顿(Derek Arden) 电子书下载
内容简介:热销5大洲27国:美国、加拿大、中国、法国、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、比利时、新加坡、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等国掀起版权争抢热潮。解读来自哈佛谈判大学商学院的经典谈判课程,消除与对手的争端与分歧。6大热门谈判场景,从商务谈判到日常沟通,为你提供专业指导,迅速解决谈判问题。梳理11步黄金谈判技巧, ...
10-14 [ life ]
Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic 电子书下载
Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic is a grammar for Modern Standard Arabic introducing conjunctions and int ...
06-11 [ None ]
Create Stunning Renders Using V-Ray in 3ds Max: Guiding the Next Generation of 3D Renderers 电子书下载
Create Stunning Renders using V-Ray in 3ds Max: Guiding the Next Generation of 3D Renderers is a step-by-step guide on how to cre ...
04-07 [ None ]
Learning NumPy Array: Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively 电子书下载
NumPy is an extension of Python, which provides highly optimized arrays and numerical operations. NumPy replaces a lot of the fun ...
06-30 [ None ]
The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) 电子书下载
somewhat confusing since the author gives equal weight to old, not very often used words and more comtemporay terms. Although eru ...
08-01 [ None ]
Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie: Sämtliche Gedichtanalysen in 2 Bänden: Band 1 Poetologische Schriften und Analysen zur Lyrik vom Mittelalter bis zur Aufklärung. Band 2 Analysen zur Lyrik von der Romantik bis zur Moderne 电子书下载
Two book set. Roman Jakobson`s "Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry" (1981), that monumental work of his later years, to ...
09-01 [ None ]
日本人が誤解される100の言動 - 100 Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings Between Japanese People and Foreigners 电子书下载
欧米をはじめ、日本・中国・インドの大手グローバル企業96社4500名の異文化摩擦を解決してきたカリスマ・コンサルタントによる「英語で理解し合う」ための指南書第2弾。 ...
05-03 [ None ]
Educational Leadership: Ambiguity, Professionals and Managerialism 电子书下载
This book explores the limits to rational management. The authors develop the idea of organizational irony as a central concept f ...
09-21 [ None ]
Introduction to Confederation of Open Access Repositories(COAR) 电子书下载
开 放 获 取 知 识 库 联 盟(Confederation of Open Access Repositories, COAR)是一个迅速成长的国际联盟,它成立于2009 年 10 月并且联合了全球 100 多家机构,旨在构建一个连接全球开放获取知识库的 ...
10-27 [ None ]
Modern Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in the Language of Business 电子书下载
Современный словарь фразовых глаголов и идиом в сфере экономики и бизнеса. - СПб.: Антология, 2008. - 800 с. — ISBN 978-5-94962-1 ...
09-19 [ None ]
Narratives of a New Order Cistercian Historical Writing in England, 1150-1220: Cistercian Historical Writing in England, 1150-1220 (Medieval Church Studies, 2) 电子书下载
The origins of the Cistercian monastic order are currently under intense scrutiny and revision, as scholars identify how the writ ...
05-21 [ None ]