The Professionals Guide to Fair Value. ; Preparing and Reading Financial Statements 电子书下载
An all-encompassing guide to the elements and basics of fair value With the important role fair value is playing in the creation ...
05-07 [ None ]
The Genetic Gods: Evolution and Belief in Human Affairs 电子书下载
John Avise presents a review of contemporary molecular biology which is quite accessible to the `lay` reader with some prior expo ...
08-18 [ None ]
The Rembrandt Affair 电子书下载
"Of those writing spy novels today, Daniel Silva is quite simply the best." -The Kansas City Star "The perfect book for fans of w ...
10-14 [ None ]
FAIR – ISO-IEC 27005 Cookbook 电子书下载
The purpose of this document is to help the security practitioner responsible for their organization’s risk estimation function t ...
04-10 [ None ]
Wiley Guide to Fair Value Under IFRS 电子书下载
Your one indispensable guide to all the Fair Value requirements of IFRS Acomplete guide to the complex valuation requirements of ...
05-07 [ None ]
危险关系:爱、背叛与修复之路 (The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity) 电子书下载
只要一场婚外情,就足以夺走夫妻或情侣之间的美好关系、幸福、认同感。如此普遍的行为,人们对其理解却十分肤浅。对于这个源远流长,人们普遍避而不谈却又奉行的禁忌行为,我们该如何理解?人们为什么会出轨?为什么即使是看上去幸福的婚姻也难以幸免?婚外情为何伤害如此之深? ...
08-02 [ None ]