Theory of Sobolev multipliers: With applications to differential and integral operators 电子书下载
The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive exposition of the theory of pointwise multipliers acting in pairs of spaces o ...
08-17 [ None ]
《像间谍一样思考:CIA情报官首度公开出奇制胜的商业技巧》J.C.卡尔森全译修订版 电子书下载
本书将中情局的行事原则、训练方法,成功转移到商业实务,例如:如何开发你的商业特质,如何挑选与组建一级团队,如何以创意和灵活的方式解决问题,如何建立以任务为导向的行事方式,如何获得并解析商业情报、如何在组织陷入危机中进行管理,如何在竞争中保持不败,等等。在尔虞我诈、纷繁复杂的职场商场中,你需要比读心术 ...
09-30 [ economy ]
Fortune in my eyes : a memoir of Broadway glamour, social justice, and political passion 电子书下载
Attica -- Danny Hogan -- The Theater -- Broadway -- Fortune and Men`s Eyes -- The Fortune Society -- Early Years -- Stories -- Pr ...
10-26 [ None ]
The Moravian Mission Diaries Of David Zeisberger: 1772-1781 (Max Kade German-American Research Institute) 电子书下载
David Zeisberger (1721-1808) was the head of a group of Moravian missionaries that settled in the Upper Ohio Valley in 1772 to mi ...
06-04 [ None ]
Teach Yourself Complete Spoken Arabic (of the Arabian Gulf) (with Audio) 电子书下载
Do you want to be able to understand and speak the Arabic of the Arabian Gulf confidently? All you need is this bestselling cours ...
05-24 [ None ]
疯癫与文明: 理性时代的疯癫史 -Feng dian yu wen meng 电子书下载
这部著作是对知识的清洗和质疑。它把“自然”的一个片段交还给历史,改造了疯癫,即把我们当做医学现象的东西变成了一种文明现象。实际上,福柯从未界定疯癫;疯癫并不是认识对象,其历史需要重新揭示;可以说,它不过是这种认识本身;疯癫不是一种疾病,而是一种随时间而变的异 ...
05-05 [ None ]