Chirurgie en Obstétrique. Chirurgie de la Femme Enceinte et de Laccouchement 电子书下载
Ce livre permet de rappeler que la pratique obstétricale, pour être efficiente, doit pouvoir s’appuyer quand c’est nécessaire, su ...
09-27 [ None ]
《为你,耶路撒冷》[美] 拉莱·科林斯(Larry Collins) / [法] 多米尼克·拉皮埃尔(Dominique Lapierre) 电子书下载
内容简介:当代世界最负盛名的纪实文学作家——《巴黎烧了吗?》作者拉莱•科林斯和多米尼克•拉皮埃尔,联手为全世界读者奉上一部纪实文学经典。两位作者用长达两年时间,采访了大量历史参与者,从国家元首到普通一兵,并披阅了浩如烟海的史料,以及第一手珍贵资料,在此基础上,再用三年时间写成本书。书里详实记录了以色 ...
10-14 [ historical ]
Beyond Photoshop: Advanced techniques integrating Photoshop with Illustrator, Poser, Painter, Cinema 4D and ZBrush 电子书下载
In his best-selling book Creative Photoshop, award-winning artist Derek Lea previously revealed to the digital art world his secr ...
05-21 [ None ]
Flip-Flop Paper Piecing: Revolutionary Single-Foundation Technique Guarantees Accuracy 电子书下载
Paper piece dozens of blocks you never could before with this revolutionary single-foundation technique. Includes foundations for ...
10-26 [ None ]
Rolando Gomezs Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography 电子书下载
I am a motivated amateur photographer and I really appreciate the way Rolando sets the subject forth. There is a plethora of well ...
10-26 [ None ]
Key Business Solutions: Essential problem-solving tools and techniques that every manager needs to know (Financial Times Series) 电子书下载
This book explains how to resolve every challenge faced on a day-to-day basis in your business by presenting an unbeatable invent ...
07-25 [ None ]
Aircraft Inspection, Repair & Alterations: Acceptable Methods, Techniques, & Practices (FAA Handbooks) 电子书下载
The bible for the AMTs and aircraft owners alike, this reference outlines standards for acceptable methods, techniques, and pract ...
09-01 [ None ]