Inelastic Light Scattering of Semiconductor Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Recent Advances 电子书下载
Semiconductor nanostructures are a field of enormous and still-growing research interest. On one hand, they are already realized ...
03-27 [ None ]
Digital VLSI Design with Verilog: A Textbook from Silicon Valley Technical Institute 电子书下载
This unique textbook is structured as a step-by-step course of study along the lines of a VLSI IC design project. In a nominal s ...
06-17 [ None ]
VHDL 2008: Just the New Stuff (Systems on Silicon) 电子书下载
As the title says, this presents only the deltas from the previous version of the spec. If you`re not already reasonably conversa ...
07-02 [ None ]
Introducing Cultural Studies, Third Edition (Introducing (Icon)) 电子书下载
Cultural studies signals a major academic revolution as we begin the new millennium. But what exactly is it, and how is it appli ...
05-24 [ None ]
The rich world of icons 电子书下载
Представленное издание – альбом с прекрасно представленными образцами древнерусской иконописи. Хорошее оформление, качественные и ...
07-21 [ None ]
Introducing Hinduism (Introducing (Icon)) 电子书下载
Hindusm is said to be the world`s oldest religion. Yet the word `Hindu` is of foreign 18th-century origin. Hindusm is defined as ...
05-24 [ None ]
Longman lexicon of contemporary English. English-Chinese 朗文多功能分类词典(英英·英汉双解) 电子书下载
Longman Asia Limited, and Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1998. — 1312 р. — ISBN 7-81046-226-1.The Longman Lexicon of ...
04-10 [ None ]