Charlie Parker for Guitar: Note-for-Note Transcriptions and Detailed Performance Notes for 18 Bebop Classics (Guitar Educational) 电子书下载
I have been working with this book for a few months now. If you`re looking to rip some licks or to learn the heads of his tunes w ...
08-22 [ None ]
The Billion Dollar Bachelor 电子书下载
*The Billionaire’s Club: a fabulously sexy contemporary series about some of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful men and the wo ...
07-02 [ None ]
《爱、金钱和孩子》马赛厄斯·德普克 (Matthias Doepke) / [美]法布里奇奥·齐利博蒂(Fabrizio Zilibotti) 电子书下载
内容简介:从美国到中国,无论富裕抑或贫穷,不管男孩还是女孩,世界各地的父母都希望孩子能快乐成长,有所成就。然而,他们实现这一目标的方式却千差万别。美国和中国的父母越来越权威、专断,“育儿战争”日益激烈;而北欧的父母相比之下更为宽容。这种转变背后的原因是什么?.从中世纪到现代社会,从美国、英国、北欧到 ...
10-14 [ fiction ]
HTML5、CSS3、RWD、jQuery Mobile跨裝置網頁設計-掌握建立電腦&行動網站的關鍵技術(電子書) 电子书下载
*徹底學會HTML5和CSS3的最新功能與設計技巧 *Responsive Web Design(RWD)讓網頁同時在PC/平板/手機完整呈現 *使用jQuery Mobile打造行動裝置專用網站 隨著無線上網的蓬勃發展,網站推出「行動版」已成為時勢所趨,然 ...
07-09 [ None ]
Mental Health Information for Teens: Health Tips about Mental Wellness and Mental Illness: Including Facts about Recognizing and Treating Mood, Anxiety, Personality, Psychotic, Behavioral, Impulse Control, and Addiction Disorders 电子书下载
"Provides consumer health information about the causes, warning signs, and symptoms of mental health disorders, along with facts ...
10-08 [ None ]