Pro Angular: Build Powerful and Dynamic Web Apps, 5th Edition 电子书下载
Welcome to this one-stop shop for learning Angular. Pro Angular is the most concise and comprehensive guide available, giving you the knowledge you need to take full advantage of this popular framework for building your own dynamic JavaScript applications.Angular is an open-source JavaScript library maintained by Google. It has many excellent options when it comes to server-side development and is used in some of the largest and most complex web applications in the world to enhance HTML in the browser. Its cornerstone is the ability to create applications that are extendable, maintainable, testable, and standardized. Knowing Angular’s foundations and understanding its applications is an asset in any developer toolbox.The fifth edition of this popular guide explains how to get the most from Angular, presenting the range of benefits it can offer. You will begin learning how to use Angular in your projects, starting with the nuts-and-bolts concepts, and progressing to more advanced and sophisticated features. Each topic in this full-color book provides you with precisely enough learning and detail to be effective. In true Adam Freeman style, the most important features are given full-court press treatment, while also addressing common problems and how to avoid them.What You Will Learn• Access accompanying online files for Angular 13 and 14 (when it is released)• Create rich and dynamic web app clients using Angular• Tap into some of the best aspects of server-side development• Know when to use Angular and when to seek an alternative• Use the ng tools to create and build an Angular project• Extend and customize Angular• Take advantage of popular component librariesWho This Book Is For This book is for web developers who want to create rich client-side applications. Foundational knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is recommended. "Adam`s books provide a finely tuned blend of architectural overview, technical depth, and experience-born wisdom. His clear, concise writing style, coupled with project-driven, real-world examples make me comfortable recommending his books to a broad audience, ranging from developers working with a technology for the first time to seasoned professionals who need to learn a new skill quickly." Keith Dublin, Staff Architect, Upfront Health Care “Adam’s books are the print version of a chat bot. His investment in learning how developers learn pays off in dividends, making this one of the most comprehensive resources available. Novices and experienced professionals alike will gain knowledge from the accessible and insightful material.”Mark Donile, Software Engineer, MS CS
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