《认知天性:让学习轻而易举的心理学规律》[美] Peter C. Brown / [美] Henry L. Roediger III / [美] Mark A. McDaniel 电子书下载
内容简介:不管是朋友圈里年入百万的斜杠青年,还是、喜马拉雅上的大师专家,无一不在刺激着在积极上进的年轻灵魂。有没有一种科学的,符合每个人思维规律的学习方法,可以让自己瞬间提升职场竞争力和商业生存力,以此走上财务自由、精神独立的人生。在《认知天性:让学习轻而易举的心理学规律》这本书中,你将掌握学习领域 ...
10-14 [ education ]
Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance 电子书下载
Praise for Marketing in the Public Sector “Professionally, as an academic turned politician, this book–if published a few years ...
08-29 [ None ]
Sentential negative markers as pro-forms of negative sentences in modern Mongolian 电子书下载
Souter Crescent, Footscray VIC. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Vol. 6 No. 1; December 2015, 87-93 pp. — ISSN 2203-471 ...
08-22 [ None ]
Flipping Confidential: The Secrets of Renovating Property for Profit in Any Market 电子书下载
Real estate isn`t just for the rich! And this book proves it. In Flipping Confidential, Kirsten Kemp, the host of TLC`s runaway h ...
10-26 [ None ]
《Python学习手册》Mark Lutz文字版 电子书下载
作为全球Python培训界的领军人物,《Python学习手册:第4版》作者Mark Lutz是Python最畅销书籍的作者,也是Python社区的先驱。Mark 是O’Reilly出版的《Programming Python》和《Python Pocket Reference》的作者,这两本书于20 ...
10-03 [ computer ]
The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan 电子书下载
There have been dramatic shifts in the behavior of labor markets and the conduct of industrial relations in the last century. Thi ...
05-25 [ None ]
Peter Mark Roget: The Man Who Became a Book (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Every day thousands of people worldwide consult Roget`s Thesaurus—yet Peter Mark Roget, one of the most remarkable men of the 19t ...
07-01 [ None ]
《这不是你的错:海灵格家庭创伤疗愈之道》马克·沃林恩(Mark Wolynn) 电子书下载
内容简介:《这不是你的错:海灵格家庭创伤疗愈之道》本书作者在其20余年的研究中发现,过去的创伤在我们身上发挥作用时,总会留下一些线索。这些线索可能以情绪化的语句或词语表现出来,它表达的是我们内心深处的恐惧,连接着我们没有处理好的创伤。这些语言就是“核心语言”:“我永远都会是独自一人。”“我会伤害别人 ...
10-15 [ life ]
FRM Part II Book 1: Market risk measurement and management (2015 SchweserNotes) 电子书下载
Kaplan, Inc., 2015. — 236 p. — ISBN 978-1-4754-3112-4.Fifth of the eight books set designed to prepare for the GARP FRM Exam (201 ...
09-28 [ None ]
Queer Bangkok: 21st century markets, media, and rights 电子书下载
This book analyses the roles of the market and media -- especially cinema and the Internet -- in these transformations, and consi ...
09-22 [ None ]
Double-Act: The Remarkable Lives and Careers of Googie Withers and John McCallum 电子书下载
Not many can boast of careers that lasted successfully for nearly 70 years, but that is what was achieved by Australian actors Go ...
09-01 [ None ]
《云端代码Google.App.Engine编程指南》Mark C. Chu-Carroll文字版 电子书下载
Mark Chu-Carroll谷歌软件工程师,从事软件开发将近20年。业余时,他还负责开发和管理Scientopia.org,并在该网站上发表数学博客Good Math/Bad Math,其博客地址http://scientopia.org/blogs/goodmath。《云端代码:Google ...
11-03 [ education ]