Amyloid Proteins: Methods and Protocols 电子书下载
A proven collection of readily reproducible techniques for studying amyloid proteins and their involvement in the etiology, patho ...
10-08 [ None ]
Neural cell transplantation: methods and protocols 电子书下载
In the dramatic and rapidly developing field of neural transplantation for CNS repair, the most powerful contributor has been the ...
08-14 [ None ]
2022 CFA© Level I SchweserNotes Book 1 Quantitative Methods and Economics 电子书下载
Absorbing the CFA® Program curriculum in its entirety is easily the most challenging part of preparing for the exam. SchweserNote ...
09-14 [ None ]
倾向值分析: 统计方法与应用 Propensity Score Analysis: Statistical Methods and Applications 电子书下载
本书阐述了重要的统计学原理和定理, 省略了论证, 通俗易懂, 侧重应用,是社会行为科学研究者了解当代前沿因果分析方法的重要工具书。本书系统介绍了四种用于因果分析的前沿统计方法: (1)由2000年诺贝尔经济学得主美国芝加哥大学教授杰姆斯• 海科曼(Jame ...
04-24 [ None ]
DIY teeth whitening book: Powerful step by step DIY teeth whitening methods guide 电子书下载
Have you noticed how some people try not to show their teeth when smiling for photographs, or they cover their mouths when they s ...
05-03 [ None ]
Information Assurance in Computer Networks: Methods, Models and Architectures for Network Security International Workshop MMM-ACNS 2001 St. Petersburg, Russia, May 21–23, 2001 Proceedings 电子书下载
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for ...
09-06 [ None ]
Transcription Factors: Methods and Protocols 电子书下载
In the last few years, significant breakthroughs in transcription research expanded our appreciation for the complexity of molecu ...
08-22 [ None ]
Nonlinear Time Series: Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods (Chapman & Hall-CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability) 电子书下载
Useful in the theoretical and empirical analysis of nonlinear time series data, semiparametric methods have received extensive at ...
07-10 [ None ]
Oracle 9i. Database Performance Methods 电子书下载
This book describes ways to improve Oracle performance by starting with good application design and using statistics to monitor a ...
07-19 [ None ]
Computer Network Security: Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2007 St. Petersburg, Russia, September 13–15, 2007 Proceedings 电子书下载
This volume contains papers presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for ...
09-06 [ None ]