Non-standard Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics 电子书下载
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Development of non-standard discretisation methods, mechanical and mathematical analysis", the aim of which was to develop novel discretisation methods based e.g. on mixed finite element methods, isogeometric approaches as well as discontinuous Galerkin formulations, including a sound mathematical analysis for geometrically as well as physically nonlinear problems. The Priority Programme has established an international framework for mechanical and applied mathematical research to pursue open challenges on an inter-disciplinary level. The compiled results can be understood as state of the art in the research field and show promising ways of further research in the respective areas. The book is intended for doctoral and post-doctoral students in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and physics, as well as industrial researchers interested in the field.
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