Canon and Exegesis: Canonical Praxis and the Sodom Narrative (JSOT Supplement) 电子书下载
Previous attempts to critique the canonical approach of Brevard Childs have remained largely theoretical in nature. One of the we ...
10-17 [ None ]
Narratives of a New Order Cistercian Historical Writing in England, 1150-1220: Cistercian Historical Writing in England, 1150-1220 (Medieval Church Studies, 2) 电子书下载
The origins of the Cistercian monastic order are currently under intense scrutiny and revision, as scholars identify how the writ ...
05-21 [ None ]
Sodom And Gomorrah: History and Motif in Biblical Narrative (The Library of Hebrew Bible - Old Testament Studies) 电子书下载
According to Fields, biblical narrative is didactic socio-religious commentary on human experience, reflected in `history`, and t ...
10-17 [ None ]