Cambridge IELTS 3 Students Book with Answers: Examination Papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (IELTS Practice Tests) 电子书下载
Provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using ...
06-27 [ None ]
Cambridge IELTS 6 Audio CDs: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS Practice Tests) (No. 6) 电子书下载
I bought this book to study for my IELTS test which will be in May10th but when I requested the CD and Book I have received only ...
06-27 [ None ]
国家为什么会失败(Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power,Prosperity and Poverty) 电子书下载
《国家为什么会失败》回答了困扰专家们几个世纪的问题:为什么有的国家富、有的国家穷;国家为什么按照富裕不富裕、健康不健康、食物充足不充足来划分?是文化、天气、地理特征还是不知道正确政策?简单说,什么都不是。没有任何一个因素是确定的或注定的。德隆·阿西莫格鲁和詹 ...
05-30 [ None ]