Swimming upstream : parenting girls for resilience in a toxic culture 电子书下载
A guide to help parents teach their daughters to resist negative cultural messages.Never before have adolescent girls faced so ma ...
06-19 [ None ]
Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2008 Workshops: WISE 2008 International Workshops, Auckland, New Zealand, September 1-4, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture ... Applications, incl. Internet-Web, and HCI) 电子书下载
This book constitutes the joint refereed proceedings of three workshops held in conjunction with the 9th International Conference ...
08-29 [ None ]
Eleven Blunders that Cripple Psychotherapy in America: A Remedial Unblundering 电子书下载
After a period of economic success and high regard in society, clinical psychology has fallen onto hard times, assert authors Nic ...
05-11 [ None ]
SPSS Programming and Data Management: A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users, 3rd Edition 电子书下载
3rd edition, 2006. ...
07-05 [ None ]
Peoples of the Apocalypse - Eschatological Beliefs and Political Scenarios 电子书下载
The three major monotheistic world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, incorporatethe idea that God created the world and ...
08-18 [ None ]
Classic works on the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions: 43 tables 电子书下载
This book brings together a collection of classic research papers on the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions. This book wi ...
08-18 [ None ]
Creativity, Psychology and the History of Science 电子书下载
Creativity, Psychology, and the History of Science offers for the first time a comprehensive overview of the oeuvre of Howard E. ...
07-21 [ None ]
Psychogeography (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Psychogeography. Increasingly this term is used to illustrate a bewildering array of ideas from key lines and the occult, to urba ...
07-01 [ None ]
Psalms and Prayers: Papers Read at the Joint Meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study and Het Oud Testamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland en Belgie, Apeldoorn August 2006 (Oudtestamentische Studien) 电子书下载
Psalms are to be seen as prayers, it is as testimonies of faith and despair. By applying a multi-dimensional matrix of methods th ...
07-21 [ None ]