Wileys Remediation Technologies Handbook: Major Contaminant Chemicals and Chemical Groups 电子书下载
The world’s first authoritative, all-in-one collection of remediation technologies--a vital reference when time is of the essence ...
05-21 [ None ]
Ansible for DevOps 2nd Edition - Jeff Geerling 电子书下载
Ansible for DevOps 2nd Edition - Jeff GeerlingJeff Geerling ...
02-05 [ computer ]
SurviveJS - React - Juho Vepsäläinen 电子书下载
SurviveJS - React - Juho VepsäläinenJuho Vepsäläinen ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Corruption Of Reality A unified Theory Of Religion Hypnosis And Psychopathology 电子书下载
This book challenges many of the ideas in the three disciplines of religion, hypnosis, and psychopathology and paves the way for ...
07-05 [ None ]
Android Studio Cookbook: Design, test, and debug your apps using Android Studio 电子书下载
This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse. Moving ahead, it tea ...
09-14 [ None ]
The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships: Decoding Social Mysteries Through the Unique Perspectives of Autism 电子书下载
Dr. Temple Grandin and Sean Barron use their colorful life stories to explain the unwritten rules and patterns of social relation ...
08-16 [ None ]
SCI论文写作解析:EndNote- RefViz- SPSS- Origin- Illustrator综合教程 电子书下载
论文在SCI收录期刊上发表,是展示科研成果、进行学术交流和接受同行评议的重要手段。因此,为了促进论文顺利发表,广大科学研究者需要全面系统地掌握SCI论文的写作特点和精髓,以提高论文的写作水平。本书首次以SCI论文的基本知识为切入点,以EndNote/Re ...
09-26 [ None ]
Learn Android Studio 4 - Efficient Java-Based Android Apps Development 电子书下载
Build and deploy your Java-based Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 4 suite of tools, an integrated deve ...
09-14 [ None ]