Charlie Parker for Guitar: Note-for-Note Transcriptions and Detailed Performance Notes for 18 Bebop Classics (Guitar Educational) 电子书下载
I have been working with this book for a few months now. If you`re looking to rip some licks or to learn the heads of his tunes w ...
08-22 [ None ]
HTML5、JavaScript、CSS、XHTML、Ajax網頁程式設計 (第五版)(電子書) 电子书下载
本書以HTML 5與JavaScript為主,其它網頁技術為輔,帶領讀者學習網頁程式設計的語法與技巧。本書內容分成下列四篇: *HTML 5篇:介紹HTML 4.01既有的元素和HTML 5增加、修改或移除的元素,例如article、section、nav、 ...
07-09 [ None ]
《JavaScript DOM编程艺术》[英]Jeremy Keith / Jeffrey Sambells文字版 电子书下载
Jeremy Keith 国际知名的Web设计师,Web标准项目组成员,DOM Scripting任务组负责人之一,任职于Web咨询公司Clearleft。除本书外,还著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通过其个人网站adactio.com与他联系 ...
09-18 [ computer ]
Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries: Get to grips with LLVM essentials and use the core libraries to build advanced tools 电子书下载
LLVM is a bleeding edge compiler technology framework. Easily extendable and designed as a multitude of libraries, LLVM provides ...
02-09 [ None ]
ACSMs Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 电子书下载
ACSM`s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription was created as a complement to ACSM`s Guidelines for ...
07-28 [ None ]
TypeScript Microservices: Build, deploy, and secure Microservices using TypeScript combined with Node.js 电子书下载
Build robust microservice-based applications that are distributed, fault tolerant, and always available Key Features Learn to bui ...
06-08 [ None ]
TypeScript High Performance 电子书下载
Learn efficient strategies for handling asynchrony and optimizing resource deliveryKey FeaturesEfficiently use Data Structures, L ...
06-08 [ None ]
《编写可维护的JavaScript》扎卡斯文字版 电子书下载
Nicholas C. Zakas是一名前端开发顾问、作者和演讲家。在Yahoo!供职超过5年时间,在这期间他曾是Yahoo!首页首席前端工程师和YUI库代码贡献者。他著有《JavaScript高级程序设计》、《Ajax高级程序设计》和《高性能JavaScript》等书籍。Zakas倡导了很多最佳实 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Pro TypeScript Application-Scale JavaScript Development 电子书下载
JavaScript is everywhere, both as a pure language and in popular libraries like Angular, jQuery and Knockout, but users of modern ...
06-08 [ None ]