Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? 电子书下载
Why do testicles hang the way they do? Is there an adaptive function to the female orgasm? What does it feel like to want to kill ...
07-28 [ None ]
Escape Your Shape: How to Work Out Smarter, Not Harder (2 Fitness Favorites from Exercise Guru) 电子书下载
Regardless of where you are at in your process of fitness, this book will help. It was recommended to me, and since reading it, I ...
09-26 [ None ]
The Domesticated Penis: How Womanhood Has Shaped Manhood 电子书下载
The Domesticated Penis challenges long-held assumptions that, in the development of Homo sapiens, form follows function alone. In ...
07-28 [ None ]
The Pregnant Athlete: How to Stay in Your Best Shape Ever--Before, During, and After Pregnancy 电子书下载
The Go-To Guide to Keep You Active and Healthy During Your Pregnancy and Beyond Whether you`re a professional athlete or a dedic ...
09-20 [ None ]
The Shape of Data - Colleen M. Farrelly and Yaé Ulrich Gaba 电子书下载
The Shape of Data - Colleen M. Farrelly and Yaé Ulrich GabaColleen M. Farrelly and Yaé Ulrich Gaba ...
02-05 [ computer ]