Alan Turing: computing genius and wartime code breaker 电子书下载
Profiles the life and accomplishments of the British mathematician who was involved in breaking the German Enigma code during Wor ...
03-31 [ None ]
安迪·沃霍尔的哲学 The philosophy of Andy Warhol 电子书下载
《安迪·沃霍尔的哲学》堪称“波普教皇”安迪·沃霍尔的非正式自传。沃霍尔在此书中回顾了自己病态的少年晨夕,孤寂的青年时代,在纽约闯荡的岁月,初创“工厂”的奢华时光,以及他遭受枪击的创痛。英文版刊行于1975年,此后事迹自然无法呈现,但沃霍尔的人生精华已然浓缩于 ...
07-03 [ None ]
Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards: Philosophical Essays on Darwins Theory (Prometheus Prize) 电子书下载
Is it accurate to label Darwin`s theory "the theory of evolution by natural selection," given that the concept of common ancestry ...
07-05 [ None ]
The Masterful Coaching Fieldbook: Grow Your Business, Multiply Your Profits, Win the Talent War! (Essential Knowledge Resource) 电子书下载
Robert Hargrove shares his secrets as a masterful coach with leaders of all levels: Coaching is about realizing an impossible dre ...
08-17 [ None ]
VMware VSphere Performance Designing CPU, Memory, Storage, and Networking for Performance-intensive Workloads 电子书下载
Covering the latest VMware vSphere software, an essential book aimed at solving vSphere performance problems before they happen V ...
10-10 [ None ]