Why Flip A Coin?: The Art and Science of Good Decisions 电子书下载
Want to know why some people seem to make so many right decisions, from game shows to business and romance? It`s much more than g ...
10-26 [ None ]
Reconciliation in Global Context: Why It Is Needed and How It Works 电子书下载
A transdisciplinary approach to reconciliation practices and policies by an international team of scholars and scholar-practition ...
08-03 [ None ]
I Live in the Future & Heres How It Works: Why Your World, Work, and Brain Are Being Creatively Disrupted 电子书下载
Are we driving off a digital cliff and heading for disaster, unable to focus, maintain concentration, or form the human bonds tha ...
08-03 [ None ]
Weather: How It Works and Why It Matters 电子书下载
The book Weather: How it works and Why it Matters by Arthur Upgren and Jurgen Stock is an interesting and rather diverse text on ...
08-03 [ None ]
The Strategy of Terrorism: How it Works, and Why it Fails (Contemporary Terrorism Studies) 电子书下载
I thought I knew all about terrorism until I read this book. The authors clarify foundational ideas about terrorism which are fr ...
08-03 [ None ]
Why Does Schizophrenia Develop at Late Adolescence: A Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Psychosis 电子书下载
Governments around the world have given priority to "early intervention", i.e. the early diagnosis and treatment of young adults ...
08-01 [ None ]
《洞见外太空的秘密》《小学生十万个Why》丛书编写组 编 电子书下载
内容简介:几乎所有的孩子都认为,学习科普是一件让人心烦的事,没错,在你绞尽脑汁地想要搞明白地球内部是什么模样之前,你得先周旋于“地壳”、“地幔”这些可怕的词汇中。我敢打赌要不了多久,你的大脑皮层就会对大脑中枢说:“嗨,伙计,这个家伙到底在干什么?我可不允许他这么折磨我,我要睡了……呼噜……”瞧,结果 ...
10-14 [ society ]
The Risk of a Lifetime: How, When, and Why Procreation May Be Permissible 电子书下载
Having children is probably as old as the first successful organism. It is often done thoughtlessly. This book is an argument f ...
02-16 [ None ]
Seduction Community Sucks: How To Become Naturally Attractive To Women And Why The Seduction Community Will Never Get You There 电子书下载
http://attractioninstitute.com/free-goodies/seduction-community-sucks/ Seduction-Community-Sucks-v3.3-2mb.pdf ...
08-22 [ None ]
国家为什么会失败(Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power,Prosperity and Poverty) 电子书下载
《国家为什么会失败》回答了困扰专家们几个世纪的问题:为什么有的国家富、有的国家穷;国家为什么按照富裕不富裕、健康不健康、食物充足不充足来划分?是文化、天气、地理特征还是不知道正确政策?简单说,什么都不是。没有任何一个因素是确定的或注定的。德隆·阿西莫格鲁和詹 ...
05-30 [ None ]