I Live in the Future & Heres How It Works: Why Your World, Work, and Brain Are Being Creatively Disrupted 电子书下载
Are we driving off a digital cliff and heading for disaster, unable to focus, maintain concentration, or form the human bonds tha ...
08-03 [ None ]
Antitrust Consent Decrees in Theory and Practice: Why Less Is More 电子书下载
For over one hundred years, the antitrust consent decree has been a major weapon in the federal enforcement of antitrust laws. In ...
03-23 [ None ]
Religion: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters 电子书下载
A groundbreaking new theory of religionReligion remains an important influence in the world today, yet the social sciences are st ...
08-03 [ None ]
Seduction Community Sucks: How To Become Naturally Attractive To Women And Why The Seduction Community Will Never Get You There 电子书下载
http://attractioninstitute.com/free-goodies/seduction-community-sucks/ Seduction-Community-Sucks-v3.3-2mb.pdf ...
08-22 [ None ]
《洞见外太空的秘密》《小学生十万个Why》丛书编写组 编 电子书下载
内容简介:几乎所有的孩子都认为,学习科普是一件让人心烦的事,没错,在你绞尽脑汁地想要搞明白地球内部是什么模样之前,你得先周旋于“地壳”、“地幔”这些可怕的词汇中。我敢打赌要不了多久,你的大脑皮层就会对大脑中枢说:“嗨,伙计,这个家伙到底在干什么?我可不允许他这么折磨我,我要睡了……呼噜……”瞧,结果 ...
10-14 [ society ]
Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? 电子书下载
Why do testicles hang the way they do? Is there an adaptive function to the female orgasm? What does it feel like to want to kill ...
07-28 [ None ]
Weather: How It Works and Why It Matters 电子书下载
The book Weather: How it works and Why it Matters by Arthur Upgren and Jurgen Stock is an interesting and rather diverse text on ...
08-03 [ None ]
Why Flip A Coin?: The Art and Science of Good Decisions 电子书下载
Want to know why some people seem to make so many right decisions, from game shows to business and romance? It`s much more than g ...
10-26 [ None ]