The Strategy of Terrorism: How it Works, and Why it Fails (Contemporary Terrorism Studies) 电子书下载
I thought I knew all about terrorism until I read this book. The authors clarify foundational ideas about terrorism which are frequently misunderstood or twisted and glossed over by the media and even some serious academic commentators. The ideas and goals of terrorist activities are analyzed in an objective and dispassionate way to reveal them as a means to achieve political ends irrespective of the moral validity of the cause being fought for. The authors destroy the myth that "one man`s terrorist is another man`s freedom fighter." They also address the logic of suicide bombings and other Al Qaeda activities. Real life examples are drawn from past and present situations such as those in Iraq, Eqypt, Western Europe, and Latin America. The book reveals flaws in terrorism as a strategy as evidenced by the miscalulations of groups such as the IRA and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad group. Specific policy recommendations for dealing with terrorist groups are well justified and help keep the current threat of terrorism in perspective. A fantastic departure from the sensationalism that we all are subjected to on a daily basis.
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