跨文化交际-Communication between Cultures 电子书下载
内容简介 · · · · · ·From ideas and concepts to eccective practice... your intercultural communication skills will grow Effective inte ...
10-17 [ None ]
Фан Юань Fāng Yuán 方圆(责任编辑)。突厥语言与文化研究(第一、二辑)。 Research of the Turkic languages and cultures, Issue No 1, 2 电子书下载
北京:中央民族大学出版社,1996年。 - 300 页(第一辑); 1997年。 - 413 页 (第二辑)突厥語言與文化研究(第壹、貮輯)。Исследования тюркских языков и культур, выпуски 1 и 2.ISBN ...
06-25 [ None ]
On Apologising in Negative and Positive Politeness Cultures 电子书下载
This book investigates how speakers of English, Polish and Russian deal with offensive situations. It reveals culture-specific pe ...
08-22 [ None ]
Cultures of Violence : Racial Violence and the Origins of Segregation in South Africa and the American South 电子书下载
This book deals with the inherent violence of race relations in two important countries that remain iconic expressions of white s ...
08-12 [ None ]
Фан Юань Fāng Yuán 方圆(责任编辑)。突厥语言与文化研究(第二辑)。 Research of the Turkic languages and cultures, Issue No 2 电子书下载
北京:中央民族大学出版社,1997年。- 413 页。突厥語言與文化研究(第貮輯)。Исследования тюркских языков и культур, выпуск 2.ISBN 7-81001-765-9/I-87这本论文集从一个侧面反映了突厥 ...
06-25 [ None ]