Effects of U.S. Tax Policy on Greenhouse Gas Emissions 电子书下载
The U.S. Congress charged the National Academies with conducting a review of the Internal Revenue Code to identify the types of a ...
06-27 [ None ]
Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects 电子书下载
This report provides a best available estimate of oil pollutant discharge into marine waters. Text includes an evaluation of the ...
06-27 [ None ]
《中文版After Effects CC从入门到精通》张高萍/王洪江 文字版 电子书下载
《中文版After Effects CC从入门到精通》是一本全面介绍After Effects CC的书籍。全书共15章,主要介绍了After Effects CC软件的基本操作、图层的操作及应用、蒙版与路径动画、常用效果滤镜、三维特效、图像的色彩调整、键控技术、镜头的稳定与跟踪及反求、表达式的应用 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
《Adobe After Effects CC高手之路》李涛文字版 电子书下载
李涛,Adobe专家委员会委员,Adobe官方认证教师体系主讲及官方标准教材作者。Apple教育计划教师认证高级讲师,中国商业插画师资格鉴定中心委员会委员,中国摄影家协会技术与器材委员会委员。ACCI讲师,Adobe考试管理中心命题组组长,中国视觉传达工程“十大杰出人物”之一,为推广计算机艺术设计在 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods: Approaches to Assessing Unintended Health Effects 电子书下载
Assists policymakers in evaluating the appropriate scientific methods for detecting unintended changes in food and assessing the ...
06-27 [ None ]
Identification of Research Needs Relating to Potential Biological or Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication 电子书下载
In recent years there has been a rapid increase in the use of wireless communications devices and a great deal of research has be ...
06-27 [ None ]