The VES handbook of visual effects : industry standard VFX practices and procedures 电子书下载
Wisdom from the best and the brightest in the industry, this visual effects bible belongs on the shelf of anyone working in or aspiring to work in VFX. The book covers techniques and solutions all VFX artists, producers, and supervisors need to know, from preproduction, to digital character creation and compositing of both live-action and CG elements. In-depth lessons on stereoscopic moviemaking, color management and digital intermediates are included, as well as chapters on interactive games and full animation authored by artists from EA and Dreamworks respectively. Written by 88 top leading visual effects practitioners and covering everything about visual effects from pre-production, production, and post-production. Simply a must-have book for anyone working in or wanting to work in the VFX industry. * Authoritative field guide from the renowned Visual Effects Society provides techniques and insight from the best of the best in VFX * 4 color presentation and visuals from Hollywood feature films provide readers with inspiration * Learn additional skills from the bonus chapters available on www. Read more...
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