《Python数据分析基础》 [美] Clinton W. Brownley文字版 电子书下载
Clinton W. Brownley博士,Facebook数据科学家,负责大数据流水线、统计建模和数据可视化项目,并为大型基础设施建设提供数据驱动的决策建议。想深入应用手中的数据?还是想在上千份文件上重复同样的分析过程?没有编程经验的非程序员们如何能在最短的时间内学会用当今炙手可热的Python语 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Mastering Android Development with Kotlin: Deep dive into the world of Android to create robust applications with Kotlin 电子书下载
Master Android development using a variety of Kotlin featuresKotlin is a programming language intended to be a better Java, and i ...
08-12 [ None ]
Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R 电子书下载
Data analytics may seem daunting, but if you`re an experienced Excel user, you have a unique head start. With this hands-on guide ...
10-24 [ None ]
Roadmap to Strategic HR: Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality 电子书下载
Foreword by Dave Ulrich For all the theories and talk about making human resources a strategic component of business, in most or ...
08-29 [ None ]
Penthouse Of The Gods - A Pilgrimage Into The Heart Of Tibet And The Sacred City of Lhasa 电子书下载
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly exp ...
07-01 [ None ]
Transplantation of Neural Tissue into the Spinal Cord 电子书下载
Transplantation of Neural Tissues into the Spinal Cord presents both recent and early results from various experiments where graf ...
08-14 [ None ]
《黑客攻防技术宝典:Web实战篇(第2版) 》 [英] Dafydd Stuttard / [英] Marcus Pinto中文版 电子书下载
Dafydd Stuttard 世界知名安全顾问、作家、软件开发人士。牛津大学博士,MDSec公司联合创始人,尤其擅长Web应用程序和编译软件的渗透测试。Dafydd以网名PortSwigger蜚声安全界,是众所周知的Web应用程序集成攻击平台Burp Suite的开发者。Marcus Pinto ...
09-13 [ computer ]
How Does it Feel? Point of View in Translation. The Case of Virginia Woolf into French (Approaches in Translation Studies 29) 电子书下载
Narratology is concerned with the study of narratives; but surprisingly it does not usually distinguish between original and tran ...
06-07 [ None ]
Arduino for Secret Agents: Transform your tiny Arduino device into a secret agent gadget to build a range of espionage projects with this practical guide for hackers 电子书下载
Q might have Bond`s gadgets– but he doesn`t have an Arduino (not yet at least). Find out how the tiny Arduino microcomputer can b ...
07-05 [ None ]
《python数据分析基础》[美] Clinton W. Brownley 电子书下载
内容简介:想深入应用手中的数据?还是想在上千份文件上重复同样的分析过程?没有编程经验的非程序员们如何能在最短的时间内学会用当今炙手可热的Python语言进行数据分析? 来自Facebook的数据专家Clinton Brownley可以帮您解决上述问题。在他的这本书里,读者将能掌握基本Python编程 ...
10-14 [ computer ]
Art and autoradiography: Insights into the genesis of paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, and Vermeer 电子书下载
Results of a scientific study of the substructure of thirty-nine paintings in the Metropolitan Museum`s collections. ...
10-14 [ None ]
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Financial Management: Delve deep into the world of financial management with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 电子书下载
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application used in all kinds of organizations around the world. ...
07-25 [ None ]
How Does it Feel? Point of View in Translation. The Case of Virginia Woolf into French 电子书下载
Narratology is concerned with the study of narratives; but surprisingly it does not usually distinguish between original and tran ...
05-25 [ None ]
Reach for the Skies: Ballooning, Birdmen, and Blasting into Space 电子书下载
One of the world`s most famous business leaders (and a well-known avian fanatic) explores the pioneers of flight. Bestselling au ...
06-10 [ None ]
More math into LATEX 电子书下载
"Gratzer’s book is a solution." -European Mathematical Society Newsletter For close to two decades, Math into Latex has be ...
05-24 [ None ]