科技英语翻译之要义与技法 - Know-how for Translating English for Science and Technology 电子书下载
王卫平、潘丽蓉编著的《科技英语翻译之要义与技法》分为三篇九章,每篇的一、二章是初学篇,适合高中生和大学生:每篇的第三章是提高篇,适合研究生、青年教师或翻译工作者。本书是一本对科技翻译论述比较全面的书。全书紧紧围绕翻译的理念、思路、策略、技法这四个方面来展开讨 ...
02-26 [ None ]
Teach Yourself Latin Grammar 电子书下载
`Teach Yourself Latin Grammar` takes you through the principal elements of Latin grammar in a series of units which serve up the ...
05-24 [ None ]
Colonial latin America: A Documentary history 电子书下载
Colonial Spanish America is a book of readings about people—people from different worlds who came together to form a society by c ...
09-01 [ None ]
计算中的上帝 -Calculating God 电子书下载
本书是加拿大著名科幻作家罗伯特·J·索耶的得意之作。对于这部作品当年败给《哈里·波特与火焰杯》,未能最终获得雨果奖,索耶一直忿忿不平。 本书充分展现了科幻小说的震撼性。两种不同的外星人同时来到地球,与地球上的古生物学家一同探寻不同星球文明同步同期性毁灭 ...
04-26 [ None ]
Vulgar Latin 电子书下载
"Vulgar Latin" refers to those features of Latin language that were not recommended by the classical grammarians but existed none ...
06-04 [ None ]
Hdl Chip Design: A Practical Guide for Designing, Synthesizing & Simulating Asics & Fpgas Using Vhdl or Verilog 电子书下载
This book places Verilog and VHDL code side by side and makes learning both languages simultaneously easy. It also shows the syn ...
05-18 [ None ]
Normes et hagiographie dans l’Occident latin (VIe-XVIe siècle): Actes du colloque international de Lyon, 4-6 octobre 2010 电子书下载
Le Colloque Normes et Hagiographie, tenu à l’Université Lyon-III en octobre 2010, porte bien son nom: il ne s’est pas donné pour ...
07-23 [ None ]