《系统思考》丹尼斯·舍伍德 (Dennis Sherwood) 电子书下载
内容简介:这些似曾相识的问题是否曾浮现在你眼前:公司以“高薪挖角”的救急方式应对资深员工的突然辞职,为何引发了员工的离职潮?雇用多少内勤人员才能保证公司的正常运转和成本的最佳控制?如何能既削减成本,又不降低质量和创造力?在面临约束的情况下,如何促进业务平滑而持续地增长?“头痛医头、脚痛医脚”的机械反 ...
10-22 [ life ]
ArcGIS ArcReader и ArcGIS Publisher. Руководство пользователя 电子书下载
ArcReader и Publisher решают эту проблему, позволяя вам совместно пользоваться картами с теми, у кого нет ArcMap. ArcReader и Pub ...
03-30 [ None ]
Low-altitude wind shear and its hazard to aviation : report of the Committee on Low-Altitude Wind Shear and Its Hazard to Aviation. 电子书下载
Congressional concern over the crash of Pan American World Airways Flight 759, a Boeing 727, minutes after takeoff from the New O ...
09-01 [ None ]
《非自然死亡》理查德·谢泼德(Richard Shepherd) 电子书下载
内容简介:作为一名法医病理学家,理查德·谢泼德要解决的问题只有一个:这个人是如何死亡的?从“9·11”事件、巴厘岛爆炸案、伦敦七七爆炸案,到亨格福德连环杀人案、戴安娜王妃车祸案等,《非自然死亡》记录了谢泼德执业至今所经手的国际要案,讲述了案件背后不为人知的关键细节。书中还详细呈现了一些颇受争议的案件 ...
09-29 [ fiction ]
Modelling the M4 76mm Sherman 电子书下载
The Sherman tank was the principal US and Allied tank of World War II - more Shermans were built than all German tanks combined. ...
08-22 [ None ]
The House of Blackwood: Author-Publisher Relations in the Victorian Era 电子书下载
The Scottish publishing house of William Blackwoood & Sons, founded in 1804, was a major force in 19th- and early 20th-century Br ...
06-04 [ None ]
John Walkenbachs Favorite Excel 2010 Tips and Tricks (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf) 电子书下载
Build robust Excel 2010 apps quickly and efficiently Known as "Mr. Spreadsheet," John Walkenbach`s name is synonymous with excel ...
09-26 [ None ]
Rembrandts Reading: The Artists Bookshelf of Ancient Poetry and History 电子书下载
Though Rembrandt`s study of the Bible has long been recognized, his interest in secular literature has been relatively neglected. ...
10-14 [ None ]
Warmachines No. 4 - Israeli M4 Sherman and Derivatives 电子书下载
78 FULL COLOR DETAIL PHOTOGRAPHS The fourth installment in the WARMACHINES series, this edition covers the versions of the M4 " ...
08-22 [ None ]
《CSS禅意花园》Dave Shea文字版 电子书下载
Dave Shea是一位图像设计师,“CSS禅意花园”网站的创始人和耕耘者,该网站获得了很多奖项,其中包括SouthWest Interactive会议授予的”Best of Show”。Dave Shea曾在全球的行业大会上发表演讲,其作品被世界各地的书籍和杂志采用。他还是Web Standard ...
09-18 [ computer ]