Low-altitude wind shear and its hazard to aviation : report of the Committee on Low-Altitude Wind Shear and Its Hazard to Aviation. 电子书下载
Congressional concern over the crash of Pan American World Airways Flight 759, a Boeing 727, minutes after takeoff from the New O ...
09-01 [ None ]
Troubleshooting Windows 2000 TCP IP 电子书下载
TCP/IP is a set of proposals developed to allow cooperating computers to share resources across a network. Some of the largest ne ...
09-16 [ None ]
Windows内核情景分析下 电子书下载
用开源代码ReactOS。 本书通过分析ReactOS的源代码介绍了Windows内核各个方面的结构、功能、算法与具体实现。全书从“内存管理”、“进程”、“进程间通信” ...
07-30 [ None ]
Troubleshooting Windows 2000 TCP-IP 电子书下载
TCP/IP is a set of proposals developed to allow cooperating computers to share resources across a network. Some of the largest ne ...
09-16 [ None ]
《Windows 10技术与应用大全》宋翔文字版 电子书下载
宋翔,2010年~2015年连续6届微软全球zui有价值专家(MVP),微软TechNet中文论坛版主,微软TechNet Webcast讲师,主要致力于微软Windows 和Office两大系列产品的研究与开发,出版过多部相关书籍。对Office在销售、人力、财务等方面的应用有丰富的经验。本书全面 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Windows Server 2016實戰寶典|系統升級x容器技術x虛擬化x異質平台整合(電子書) 电子书下载
Windows Server 2016為新一代的雲端作業平台,除了傳統的GUI,還也提供了Server Core與Nano Server兩種精簡模式,讓IT單位能夠根據不同伺服器運作的需要,選擇最佳的作業模式。在虛擬化平台的建置部分,它內建了全新的Hyper ...
08-04 [ None ]