SPSS Survival Manual: A Step By Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows (Version 10) 电子书下载
The 3rd edition of this popular book carries the sticker "Students` Favourite". However, I would suggest this book is very valuable for a much wider audience, including post Doctoral professionals who find themselves a bit `rusty` on a particular statistical test, or who need to refresh their memories on the assumptions underlying a given test. The sad reality is the old adage "What you don`t use, you lose` is all too true with stats, and if you don`t undertake statistical analysis reqularly, it`s amazing how quickly you can forget even some of the basics, particularly when you are getting more advanced in years.
This is where this book is an absolute gem to have in your bookshelf. Its a shame that the iterations of SPSS (thank God they`ve given up the silly PASW name change since IBM bought it) come so quickly, but usually the vast majority of material is still there, just in a different place. I think this is a great book and would recommend it to anyone who needs and uses stats, but not necccessarily every day or every week.
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