Unauthorized Halo 2 Battle Guide: Advanced Combat Techniques 电子书下载
"The Halo 2 Battle Guide: Advanced Combat Techniques" serves as a springboard to a whole new aspect of video game books - applying proven military tactics and strategy to the virtual world. While other strategy guides focus on the single player campaign experience, this guide discusses fighting techniques and military strategy that can be used in single player or multiplayer games. This guide is not a simple walkthrough of the single player campaign. It teaches you how to be a better player - not just how to get through a specific room. The author is an experienced Halo 2 Beta tester, and combines that experience with information from top Halo players. The final result is a collection of tried and true battle techniques. Using the new Halo 2 ranking system, you can measure your progress as you climb from one level to the next. Existing guides do not include sufficient information about team tactics, and the information on fighting is elementary. "The Halo 2 Battle Guide" provides you with the tactics and techniques you need to fully maximize your enjoyment and mastery of Halo.
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