Inelastic analysis of structures 电子书下载
The modeling of mechanical properties of materials and structures is a complex and wide-ranging subject. In some applications, it is sufficient to assume that the material remains elastic, i.e. that the deformation process is fully reversible and the stress is a unique function of strain. However, such a simplified assumption is appropriate only within a limited range, and in general must be replaced by a more realistic approach that takes into account the inelastic processes such as plastic yielding or cracking.This book presents a comprehensive treatment of the most important areas of plasticity and of time-dependent inelastic behavior (viscoplasticity of metals, and creep and shrinkage of concrete). It covers structural aspects such as:* incremental analysis* limit analysis* shakedown analysis* optimal design* beam structures subjected to bending and torsion* yield line theory of plates* slip line theory* size effect in structures* creep and shrinkage effects in concrete structures.The following aspects of the advanced material modeling are presented:* yield surfaces for metals and plastic-frictional materials* hardening and softening* stress-return algorithms* large-strain formulations* thermodynamic framework* microplane models* localization of plastic strain.Inelastic Analysis of Structures is a textbook for basic and advanced courses on plasticity, with a slight emphasis on structural engineering applications, but with a wealth of material for geotechnical, mechanical, aerospace, naval, petroleum and nuclear engineers. The text is constructed in a very didactical way, while the mathematics has been kept rigorous.
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