Cinema 4D Beginners Guide 电子书下载
3D animation offers a versatile way to bring ideas to life. With this guide, youll learn how to take your vision and turn it into beautiful imagesWith «Cinema 4D», you can quickly and easily bring your visions to life. This beginners guide will walk you through creating and animating a 3D scene, with tips and techniques for everything from photorealistic rendering to motion graphics.«Cinema 4D» enables everyone from professionals to hobbyists to create stunning 3D animations. This book will walk you through all the steps of creating an interior flythrough of an office: creating a 3D structure, adding materials and lighting, animating, and rendering. Then, youll explore additional features through a series of mini projects: creating motion graphics, exporting a stylized non-realistic image, adding hair and creating cloth. Youll learn how to connect pieces that all work together by exploring node-based programming in Xpresso, then wrap everything up with an introduction to compositing in Adobe After Effects.
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