OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference 电子书下载
OpenGL SuperBible, Third Edition is a comprehensive, hands-on guide that provides everything you need to program with the new version of OpenGL. This newly expanded edition covers OpenGL 1.5, OpenGL 2.0`s Shading Language, ARB low-level shader extensions, and programming details for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Designed for programmers who want to master OpenGL and expand their knowledge of graphics programming and 3D graphics, and also for seasoned OpenGL programmers who need assistance porting their applications, this learning tool serves as both a tutorial and a reference manual that can be used time and again. Find the necessary guidance in applying complex concepts, such as drawing in space; points, lines, and polygons; moving around in space; color, lighting, and materials; raster graphics in OpenGL; texture mapping; 3D modeling and object composition; fog and blending visual effects; curves and surfaces, and more.Learn how to: * Create three-dimensional objects on your PC * Move your objects or yourself around in a virtual world * Use techniques for fast real-time rendering on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. * Make use of OpenGL hardware acceleration * Create interactive three-dimensional scenes * Take advantage of programmable graphics hardware with the new OpenGL shading language CD-ROM includes: * Complete source code for all example programs (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux) * The GLUT Library and Render Monkey for Windows * Demo Version of Right Hemisphere`s Deep Exploration * The Complete OpenGL specification in Adobe Acrobat Format * A Collection of additional OpenGL example programs"
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